The Nordic Africa Institute


South Africa’s 2024 elections: The beginning of the end for ANC domination?

President Cyril Ramaphosa is insisting that his ruling African National Congress party is making progress in addressing problems such as unemployment, energy distribution and corruption. However, polls suggest that the party once led by Nelson Mandela could lose its majority this year. Photo: GovernmentZA

President Cyril Ramaphosa is insisting that his ruling African National Congress party is making progress in addressing problems such as unemployment, energy distribution and corruption. However, polls suggest that the party once led by Nelson Mandela could lose its majority this year. Photo: GovernmentZA

Date • 10 Apr 2024

Polls indicate that in 2024’s general election, scheduled for 29 May, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) will get below 50 per cent of the vote – forcing the ANC to seek partners in government.

In the first in a series of videos about South Africa’s elections, NAI researchers explore some possible post-election scenarios. And, given the worrying examples from local politics in recent years, how effective could an ANC-led coalition government be on the national level?